My HNG 8.0 Internship Goals

Hello, I'm Abdusshakur Olabisi. My application for the HNG 8.0 Internship which is to run for 8 weeks (2-3 months). My Stack for the internship is Front-end development and if possible Back-end development.

The Internship is organized and coordinated By: ZuriTeam

My Goals and Dream for the Internship are:

  1. Technical Skills Improvement

    I want to learn the core concept of full stack development. I also want to learn how to deploy, solve and manage production-ready projects.

  1. Building Networks and Teams with Other People

    I aspire to build and expand my network with mentors, developer, designer, organizers and other like-minded interns.

  2. Interpersonal skill Enhancement

    I hope to learn how and manners of communicating effectively and productively with other interns, organizers and mentors throughout the program.

  3. And also to do my possible best in becoming a finalist of this great Organization.

Beginners Resource

  1. HTML/CSS: This is resource explains in detail all topics in HTML/CSS. HTML and CSS Resources

  2. Python: This is a very great resource for learning. It contains basics to intermediate topics needed to understand the language. PYTHON Resources

  3. Figma: This resource covers the major design concept (Use of color, grid, gradient, responsiveness, and lots.). Figma links

  4. Git: This explains the rudimentary knowledge of Git and GitHub. Git Links

  5. JavaScript: These series cover the basics of JavaScript in web development. JavaScript Links

  6. Go: These Series explains the basic and concept of Go. Go Links

  7. Nodejs: These Series explains the concept of Nodejs. Nodejs Links

  8. PHP: These materials explains the basics of PHP. PHP Links

  9. Flutter: This a beginner course for Flutter. Flutter Links

  10. Kotlin: These materials explains the concept of Kotlin. Kotlin Links

Thanks for the time and the opportunity given to me.

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